Pacific Tackle E-Commerce Website Redesign Case Study

Pacific Tackle Distribution: A Digital Transformation Journey with TackleB2B E-Commerce

Pacific Tackle Distribution, located in the Carlsbad, CA, is a wholesale tackle and bait distributer in the San Diego area.   Early on they recognized the importance of e-commerce in their success.  Their flagship online distribution website,, was designed to make it easy for retailers to shop and purchase whole products for their retail operations.

The Challenge: Navigating an Outdated E-Commerce Website

The first iteration of the website was created as a rapid prototype.  Its goal was simply to make products available to merchants around the country as quickly as possible.  However, TackleB2B quickly learned that its customers were finding it difficult to find products.  They needed a better way to optimize the customer-facing website.


The Transformation: Embracing Modern Web Design with ReactJS

The customer-facing search interface was recreated using ReactJS, a technology known for creating dynamic user interfaces that are able to adapt to the user without needing to do an entire page reloads.  While the platform’s back end remained the same(.NET,), ReactJS revolutionized TackleB2B’s customer-facing website.  What emerged was:

  • Discoverability Increased: Retailers could now see all available categories and easily dive further into product niches.
  • Products Highlights: A new visual image could be placed at the top of the search results to highlight cross categories, brands, or products.
  • Brand Awareness: Retailers interested in working with specific brands could now easily find products by selecting those brands combined with specific categories.

Results: A Customer-Centric E-Commerce Web Application

The final results had real results:

  • Easy Product Searches: The mangled search interface was now better organized for customer success, allowing retailers to find the products they were looking for.
  • Engaging User Interfaces: Clear product categories and brands that were well defined increased retailer engagement and purchase intent.
  • Effortless Web Interactions: ReactJS’s ability to create fluid interfaces negated the need for entire page reloads, offering a smooth browsing experience.

Pacific Tackle Distribution’s story stands out in Carlsbad, CA as one product distribution company’s path to success.  A small change can have a big impact.  By embracing leading edge technologies to impact the customer journey, they revamped and chartered a new path to e-commerce excellence.  Their journey to continually improve highlights the timeless Irish proverb: “You’ll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.”